SPE Automotive Division - Quarterly Newsletters
Have a story you think other Automotive Division members would enjoy? Please send a note to our newsletter editor at News_editor (at) speautomotive (dot) com.
Interested in advertising in our next issue? See our advertising prices and specifications flier HERE.
Press-ready art is due on the following dates:
- Issue: March -- Materials due February 15
- Issue: June -- Materials due May 15
- Issue: September -- Materials due August 1
- Issue: December -- Materials due November 15
Interested in receiving our quarterly newsletter in hardcopy format, but not an SPE member? We hope you'll join SPE and the Automotive Division, but in the meantime eMail us and ask to be added to our distribution list. It's free to those living in the U.S., Canada, & Mexico.
Current Year (2016)
March 2016, Volume 45, Issue #3
June 2016, Volume 45, Issue #4
September 2016, Volume 46, Issue #1
2016 Newsletter Advertising Sponsors
Our newsletter would not be possible without the continued support of our sponsors.
Sponsorship Level |
Organization |
Logo (Links to sponsor website) |
Full-Page Ad Sponsor |
Full-Page Ad Sponsor |
Faurecia Automotive Exteriors |
Full-Page Ad Sponsor |
Incoe Corp. |
Full-Page Ad Sponsor |
Michigan Economic Development Corp. |
Full-Page Ad Sponsor |
Plastic Engineering & Technical Services, Inc.(PETS) |
Full-Page Ad Sponsor |
Synventive Molding Solutions |
Full-Page Ad Sponsor |
Unique Tool & Gauge Inc. |
Half-Page Ad Sponsor |
Asahi Kasei Plastics North America, Inc. |
Half-Page Ad Sponsor |
e-Xstream engineering |
Half-Page Ad Sponsor (Joint Sponsorship) |
Entec Polymers and Ravago Manufacturing Americas |
Half-Page Ad Sponsor |
PlastiComp, Inc. |
Quarter-Page Ad Sponsor |
Abaris Training Resources, Inc. |
Quarter-Page Ad Sponsor |
Addcomp North America, Inc. |
Quarter-Page Ad Sponsor |
Trexel, Inc. |
Prior Years' Newsletters