New Slush Molding Process Technology
2003 General Motors Sunfire

Nominee Number: 30 Result: Finalist
Category: Process/Enabling Description: New Slush Molding Process
OEM: General Motors Model: Sunfire
Model Year: 2003 System Supplier: Collins & Aikman
System Contact: Terry Anderson System Phone: 734-354-2337
Model/Processor: Collins & Aikman Molder Contact: Terry Anderson
Molder Phone: 734-354-2337 Toolmaker: Collins & Aikman
Tool Contact: Dennis MacCafferty Tool Phone: 603-743-2506
Material Supplier: Collins & Aikman Material Contact: Terry Anderson
Material Phone: 734-354-2337 Generic Resin Type: PVC
Resin Trade Name: - Grade: -
OEM Engineer: Tom Pickett OEM Title: Senior Project Engineer
OEM Phone: 586-492-2454 Name of Nominee: Terry Anderson
Nominee's Company: Collins & Aikman Nominee's Address: 47785 West Anchor Court
Plymouth, MI 48170
Nominee's Phone: 734-354-2337 Nominee's Fax: 734-354-2220
Nominee's Email:    
Summary: Development of a technology for improved heat transfer (heating/cooling) and process control for slush molding.  Cost savings: 30-40% from cycle time reduction, 50% from capital cost reduction and 80% energy reduction.
Most Innovative Feature: A proprietary method of improved heat transfer (heating/cooling) and process control for slush molding.  This technology is the first in the industry.
Other Innovative Features: Noise is reduced from needing hearing protection to the level of normal conversation.  The need for expensive high bay manufacturing building is eliminated.
What Forming Process? Slush molding.
First Time Process Used: Yes.
Previous Process: Conventional hot air or hot oil slush molding that utilize inefficient heat transfer methods and are less environmentally friendly.
Tooling Innovations: Tool metallurgy strengthening innovations and tool heat transfer innovations were required to implement this new technology.
New Material Developments: The new technology will enable Collins & Aikman's new and continuing material developments to achieve improved cost and improved performance.
Weight Savings: None.
Cost Savings: 30-40% cycle time reduction, 40-50% capital cost reduction, and 70-80% energy reduction were all achieved.
Cost Avoidance: Lower cost manufacturing site/building can be used due to not requiring high bay and special equipment foundations.  Also, the equipment can be easily relocated.
Direct Consumer Benefit: No.
Translates to Other Vehicles?: Yes.
Safety Benefits: Manufacturing noise is reduced from 88db to 77db.  NOx emissions are eliminated.
Environmental Benefits: NOx emissions are eliminated.
Additional Comments: The significant reduction in cycle time achieved by this innovation has allowed slush molding to be used in high volume applications that were previously considered economically unfeasible.