In-Line Compounded and Injection Molded Front End Carrier
2003 Volkswagen Golf V

Nominee Number: 21 Result: Finalist
Category: Process/Enabling Description: In-line Compounded and Injection Molded Front End Carrier
OEM: Volkswagen Model: Golf V
Model Year: 2003 System Supplier: Krauss-Maffei Kunststofftechnik
System Contact: Rainier Zimmet System Phone: 49 89 8899 4880
Model/Processor: AKSYS Molder Contact: Hans Meinert
Molder Phone: 49 174 3474268 Toolmaker: VW-Werkzeugbau
Tool Contact: Ralf Leinhoss Tool Phone: 49 536 1921218
Material Supplier: AKSYS Material Contact: Hans Meinert
Material Phone: 49 174 3474268 Generic Resin Type: PP-Copolymer + LGF (30%)
Resin Trade Name: - Grade: -
OEM Engineer: Armin Prinke OEM Title: -
OEM Phone: 49 536 1920029 Name of Nominee: Rainer Zimmert
Nominee's Company: Krauss-Maffei Kunststofftechnik Nominee's Address: Krauss-Maffei Str. 2
Munich, Germany 80997
Nominee's Phone: 49 89 8899 4880 Nominee's Fax: 49 89 8899 4163
Nominee's Email:    
Summary: Front end carrier produced in a single-stage, one heat process, starting with the raw materials.  Cost savings: $0.50-0.60 per kg. 
Most Innovative Feature: Production of a component in a single-stage, one heat process, starting with the raw materials.
Other Innovative Features: Improved product quality; very simple and fast product modifications are possible.
What Forming Process? Injection Molding.
First Time Process Used: No.
Previous Process: Injection molding with long-glass fiber pellets. Or: Compression molding.
Tooling Innovations: N/A.
New Material Developments: New formulation of polypropylene with lower MFI compared to compression molding.
Weight Savings: N/A.
Cost Savings: 0.5 - 0.6 $ per kilogram.
Cost Avoidance: No finishing necessary, no cut-off material that needs to be recycled like in the compression process.
Direct Consumer Benefit: N/A.
Translates to Other Vehicles?: Application can be translated to other OEM`s and vehicle lines and other parts.
Safety Benefits: N/A.
Environmental Benefits: Saving of energy due to one-heat process.
Additional Comments: None.