4.7L Valve Cover
2003-2004 DaimlerChrysler Ram Truck, Jeep

Nominee Number: 4 Result: Finalist
Category: Powertrain Description: 4.7L V-8 Valve Cover
OEM: DaimlerChrysler Model: Ram Truck, Jeep
Model Year: 2003-2004 System Supplier: Dana
System Contact: Mark Dixon System Phone: 731-642-5582 (x609)
Model/Processor: Dana Molder Contact: Mark Dixon
Molder Phone: 731-642-5582 (x609) Toolmaker: Shaw
Tool Contact: - Tool Phone: -
Material Supplier: Premix Material Contact: Dale Mathews
Material Phone: 828-728-9014 Generic Resin Type: Vinyl Ester Thermoset
Resin Trade Name: Premi-Glas Grade: 1265
OEM Engineer: Steve Crawford OEM Title: Project Engineer
OEM Phone: 313-493-8523 Name of Nominee: Paul Gramann, Ph.D.
Nominee's Company: The Madison Group Nominee's Address: 505 S. Rosa Road, 124
Madison, WI 53719
Nominee's Phone: 608-231-1907 Nominee's Fax: 608-231-2694
Nominee's Email: paul@madisongroup.com    
Summary: Production of valve cover in plastic without use of a prototype, resulting in much faster program and largest powertain savings at DaimlerChrysler of $10 per vehicle.   
Most Innovative Feature: Replacement of magnesium with plastic without the use of a prototype.
Other Innovative Features: Program that usually take 18-24 months was done in less than 12 months. Largest savings to date in ($10) powertrain realized by DaimlerChrysler.
What Forming Process? Injection.
First Time Process Used: No - but first time at this low of a thickness (2.5mm).
Previous Process: Magnesium - Injection.
Tooling Innovations: N/A.
New Material Developments: N/A.
Weight Savings: Weight was +0.5 lbs from magnesium.
Cost Savings: $10 per vehicle, which does not include tool life savings. Largest savings in powertrain at Chrysler.
Cost Avoidance: Tool life will go to end of project. Magnesium required new tool every 150,000 parts. No post molding operations needed. Magnesium required glass beading
Direct Consumer Benefit: Reduced noise by 1DB.
Translates to Other Vehicles?: Yes. Program so successful another valve cover being switched from stamped steel. Others are being looked at.
Safety Benefits: Thermoset does not burn like magnesium.
Environmental Benefits: Eliminated EPA glue issue.
Additional Comments: This program was a huge success at DaimlerChrysler. To insure that no prototyping was needed computer simulation was used for mold filling, structural and moldal analysis. Later analysis showed that these analyses were extremely accurate and proved extremely valuable.