Two-Shot, Interior Sound Reduction Door Seal
2004 Ford F150 Truck

Nominee Number: 37 Result: Finalist
Category: Body Exterior Description: Two-Shot, Interior Sound Reduction, Door Seal with Molded-in Fasteners
OEM: Ford Motor Company Model: F150 Truck
Model Year: 2004 System Supplier: Cooper Standard
System Contact: Tom Kubik System Phone: 248-596-6448
Model/Processor: Innatech Molder Contact: Jack Elder
Molder Phone: 248-601-7605 Toolmaker: Dynamic Mold
Tool Contact: Joe Monfette Tool Phone: 248-601-7943
Material Supplier: Advanced Elastomer Systems / A. Schulman / Multibase Material Contact: Mike West / Harvey Caddell / Rick Hannan
Material Phone: 248-377-6231 / 248-643-6100 / 248-273-1710 Generic Resin Type: TPV / PP(TF) / Injection molding slip additive
Resin Trade Name: Santoprene / Polyfort / Dow Corning-Multibase Grade: 121-50M100 / 1006 / MB50-321
OEM Engineer: Dr. Tad Siedlecki / Steve Angus  OEM Title: Engineering Supervisor / Product Engineer
OEM Phone: 313-621-4959 / 313-337-2078 Name of Nominee: Mark Elder
Nominee's Company: Innatech Nominee's Address: 750 Letica Drive
Rochester, MI 48307
Nominee's Phone: 248-601-7906 Nominee's Fax: 248-652-9187
Nominee's Email:    
Summary: Two shot, two material, injection molded door seal designed specifically for interior noise reduction with value added integral fasteners incorporated into the product design.  Weight savings: 15%.  Cost savings: 50%.  
Most Innovative Feature: Two shot, two material, injection molded door seal designed specifically for interior noise reduction.
Other Innovative Features: Incorporates value added integral fasteners into the product design.
What Forming Process? Two material injection molding, automated manufacturing cell.  Mold uses sequential valve gating.
First Time Process Used: Yes.
Previous Process: Traditional extrusion with secondary transfer molding process.  Product required purchased fasteners for assembly.
Tooling Innovations: Integral fasteners, sequential valve gating to eliminate weld lines and burns, air ejection and robot assisted part removal, very complex mold to provide desired features.
New Material Developments: Low-Friction additive (Dow Corning/Multibase) included in the second shot TPE material helped reduced door closing efforts and eliminated the need for a secondary slip coat spray application.
Weight Savings: 15% (About 5 oz. per vehicle).
Cost Savings: Elimination of assembly and fabrication labor, separate fasteners and secondary operations. 50% cost savings.  About $3.50 per vehicle.
Cost Avoidance: None identified.
Direct Consumer Benefit: Interior noise reduction, aesthetic close-out, better sealing.
Translates to Other Vehicles?: Yes, bring them on!
Safety Benefits: None.
Environmental Benefits: Energy saving manufacturing process vs. traditional extrusion and manual manufacturing processes.
Additional Comments: This part has set a benchmark for new weather strip and interior noise reduction applications. It opens up a market for more sophisticated 3-D, injection molded, 2 and 3 material seals which offer product features and aesthetics not available the way this type of part is traditionally produced.